Sunday, October 13, 2013

Watermarble and Dots

I love this mani! I had the urge to do some watermarbling, but I didn't want to spend a long time doing it, so I chose to have it as an accent nail and use the same colours for dots over a white base. This photo was taken about a day or so after I did it, so there's some obvious wear happening on the tips and I realised I hadn't moisturised until after I'd packed up my little camera set-up so apologise for the damage and dry cuticles. 

I used W7's White polish, the green is Misty Jade - Rimmel and the blue is Suzi Says Feng Shui - O.P.I.

I think I've realised that I love doing designs with a white base. I've done so many lately that I think I need to stay away from the white polish for a while. If I can.


  1. The marble effect looks so good! Mine looks horrible every time I try it- would love to get some pointers on achieving the perfect nail marbling ;)

  2. I loooove the water marble!

  3. wow I love your accent nails (:


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