Sunday, December 22, 2013

Essie Watermarble

If you follow me on instagram you'll have seen that I recently got a few Essie polishes, two which I purchased and another two that my best friend got me for Christmas. So I thought it would be a good idea to do some watermarbling with them because they were so new and would work so well.

I've just realised my skin tone is different in those photos but oh well. The nail polish colours are similar enough that you get the idea. The colours used were: Geranium, Avenue Maintain and Bond with Whomever.

Sorry for the lack of posting lately! I've still just been so uninspired and apathetic, and I've been trying to finish getting Christmas presents sorted and what not so I just haven't had a lot of time to actually sit down and do some nail art. My nails have grown a lot in the past two weeks as well and I was going to file them down due to curling but they seem to have fixed themselves for now so hopefully they continue to grow as good as they have been!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Pink and Orange Watercolour

Okay, so it's no secret that I freakin' love watercolour nail art. And when I combine it with a Matte topcoat, it becomes my ultimate favourite mani. I love this so much and I wish I hadn't taken it off for work today. You'll probably see at least one watercolour mani every month because I'm only just getting started with the colour combos. Let me know if you get sick of them though!

The pink is Hot Spring - Ulta3, which is a deep, dark pink normally, almost purple. I've never actually used it before except to test it when my mum bought it for me ages ago. I had never been a big fan of it until the other day when I picked it out and under the light I use to do my nails, it looked absolutely amazing, so now I'm a massive fan of it. The orange is Mock Snob - Revlon, which is also quickly becoming a favourite of mine. 

I've got another post planned for Friday or Saturday so look out for that! I've decided I won't be doing another Christmas mani this week, I might save them for Christmas week!

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Christmas Nail Art

Just a quick post tonight before I completely forget about these nails! I wore this design to my work Christmas party on Friday night and I rushed them because my original plan to do some candy cane inspired watermarbling didn't turn out how I wanted, so I quickly did these before I had to get ready.

If you wish to know what colours, let me know, I've since packed everything away and considering it's Sunday night I'm feeling too lazy to get up and find them haha, but I'll gladly let you know if you want to find out what a particular polish is. 

(Sorry the picture is slightly blurry, I was in the worst mood when I took the photos, hence only the one angle.)

I've got a few things planned for during the week, so I'm starting to feel like I'm back on track with this whole blog thing! Look for some posts during the next week. Hope everyone's had a lovely weekend!

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

NOTD: L'Oreal - Metropolitan

L'Oreal have stolen my heart again with this amazing colour. I'm a big fan of gray nail polish and have been on a never ending search to find the perfect gray and I think I've done it. Metropolitan is the most amazing shade of gray I've ever come across. It's light enough so that it doesn't look too gloomy but it's also dark enough to not come across as a silver or light blue. This photo is without a top coat as well so it's very shiny on it's own. I'm in love with it.

I used French Riviera - L'Oreal and the cling wrap method in the photo below and I like how it turned out! French Riviera has some small blue specks in it that I forgot to get a photo of, but I'll eventually swatch that colour by itself and show you all. 

You may notice I filed my nails down a bit and rounded them off more, I love this length and shape a lot more than I thought I loved long square ones. They just kept breaking too often.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Nails for my Nana (+ some updates)

Over the weekend I visited my nana to help celebrate her 80th birthday, so I did my nails for her and she loved them. She was really excited about them actually. I posted these on instagram on Saturday night and completely forgot to do this post when I got home on Sunday, so here it is.

The colours I used for the watermarble were Liberty - W7 and No.5 - Miki (Bright Nails collection) the base for the numbers is Misty Jade - Rimmel.

The numbers weren't the neatest and I'm not sure I loved the watermarble on my pinky, but I did really love this mani. My nana means a lot to me and I'm really glad she liked it. 

As you may be aware, I'm very slack at updating this blog. Lately I've just felt really apathetic and uninspired, I've also been getting more headaches and migraines than normal so I'm not in the mood to be inhaling chemicals when I've got one, so I'm really sorry about how slack and absent I am. 

But despite all that I really am going to try make December a good mani month. Even though November was technically my 'no-buy month' I ended up buying about six or seven nail polishes and one nail care item. I honestly couldn't resist all the good deals at Priceline. So I'm hoping to resist buying anything in December, I think I'll be able to do it this time.

And finally, anyone who knows me well will know that I'm not a huge fan of Christmas, the only thing I like about it really is the candy canes. I don't know why I don't like it that much but I can just never get into the Christmas spirit. However, I am going to try to do at least one Christmas mani a week until Christmas day. I do have some ideas in mind, so hopefully that'll be the push I need to become a Christmas fan by the time it rolls around. I'm aiming to do at least two manis a week, one Christmas, one normal. I also sometimes do NOTD swatches on my instagram so be sure to follow me there for some extra stuff.

Let me know any ideas for Christmas designs you'd like to see or other designs in general! I need all the inspiration I can get this month. Hope everyone is having a good week!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Colourful Matte Dots

If you follow me on Instagram you'll have noticed that I posted these nails yesterday. I was too excited about them to not share straight away. I was supposed to be one a no-buy month, but Priceline's 40% off cosmetics sale was just too good to ignore, so I bought the Revlon Matte Top Coat. I had been wanting it for so long, but just couldn't justify spending almost $14 to get it. I am so glad I broke my no-buy month because I love this top coat so much. I love all matte finishes and most of my lipsticks are matte because I prefer it over glossy lips. 

My first instinct when I got this was to do black nails with bright dots to give my nails a chalkboard look. That was all I could think of doing and I love the way they turned out. I did two coats of Blackmail - Australis and then used a dotting tool to put some dots everywhere. You may notice in the photos that there is some white, that's because I wanted the colours to really pop so I did white dots before putting down the colours and I think it worked brilliantly.

The colours I used were:
Orange: Orange Fizz - Savvy
Purple: Grapetini - Savvy
Blue: Feeling Blue - Models Own
Green: Misty Jade - Rimmel
Pink: Daiquiri - Savvy

My right hand nails are in such awful shape and I never realised taking a photo of them would be so difficult! 

Is there anything anyone would particularly like to see in the coming weeks? I'm up for taking suggestions on future posts if anybody wants to see something specific from me!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Splatter Nails

The splatter design is my go-to nail art when I can't think of anything else to do or if I'm feeling uninspired. Over the past week and a bit I've realised I can't do nail art that doesn't begin with a white base, with the exception of the cling wrap mani though and maybe some dotticures. I always need a fresh white base to begin with, no matter what I attempt to do. I tried branching out and starting with different bases, but I just couldn't come up with anything decent or I couldn't replicate a design I liked. So expect to see a lot of white based nail art in the coming weeks!

For this design I used MBSW - O.P.I as the base, which everyone should know by now is my favourite white polish. I then used three colours: Vanellope - Lilypad Lacquer (from the August What's In-die Box?), Cosmic - Savvy by DB and UFO - Savvy by DB. Vanellope is a holographic polish, and I chose the other two because they had a holographic aspect to them, they both have tiny flecks of other colours amongst the polish and sometimes look sparkly.

This design is always fun and easy to do and it doesn't take too long! That's why I always enjoy doing it.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

NOTD: L'Oreal 811 Magic Croisette

I am so in love with this colour it's ridiculous. I've worn it a few times but I had to post about it this week. I originally stole this from my sister at the start of the year and she never wanted it back so I kept it. It goes on a little awkwardly if you don't have enough of the brush, but that's obvious, the brush is wide and covered the whole of each of my nails brilliantly and two coats is perfect for it. The only downside is that it's such a small bottle, only 5ml so I think I'm almost out of it, which means I'll have to buy my own this time, if it's still around that is.

In the right light it has subtle hints of green to it and you can see that when you look at the bottle as well, which I should have taken a photo with but I can never get it to look natural and not awkward, oh well. I really do love this colour, I think it could be one of my favourites and I always forget about it because it's the only L'Oreal polish I have.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Blue/Purple/Pink Gradient under Watermarble

If you follow me on instagram you'll notice I posted this over the weekend. I was just too excited to wait to show everyone. I was inspired by this tutorial by Erinzi. I've seen her do this a few times recently and I'd always wanted to give it a go. There were a few mess ups, like on my index finger, but I really like how it came out and I think I'll definitely keep trying this because it's so simple and I never thought to use a not so opaque polish in watermarbling the way her tutorial shows.

I didn't really like the way the gradient came out and that's when I decided to follow Erinzi's tutorial.

I used Nail Bibs for my watermarbling, they make clean up so much easier and they're less hassle than using sticky tape. Plus they're reusable if put back onto their backing and treated well. You can find them here. They're cheap too and when I ordered mine the other month they arrived within about a week, which is super quick for international shipping.

I used three colours from the Miki Bright Nails collection I posted about in my haul and the black is Onyx Rush - Maybelline.

I'm hoping to get a few posts out in the next week, so look out for them!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

October Haul

I said at the start of the month that I would most likely do monthly haul posts and here is my first one! I started working again at the start of October, so I was happy to have some extra money to spend on nail polish and nail related items.

From L-R: Bamboo Shoot - Sally Hansen, Bubblegum Pink - Sally Hansen, Cotton Candy - Essence, 24/7 Nail Base - Essence, Ultra Strong Nail Hardener - Essence.

Boogie Nights - Sinful Colors, Misty Jade - Rimmel.

 I got a (very cheap) bottle of Nail Envy from eBay.

 My brother bought me these polishes, they're the Bright Nails collection from Miki

I also got some swatch sticks. This isn't even half of them or even a quarter.

I didn't get a massive amount of nail stuff this month, but it's more than I normally would have I guess. But during November, I'm going to be doing a 'no buy' month. I want to see how much I can save if I don't purchase anything nail related, unless absolutely necessary, but I can't see a reason why I'd need something straight away. Wish me luck!

In other news, I now have a tumblr for those of you who want to follow me there. I haven't posted anything yet, but I'll definitely be posting from November onwards. You can also follow me on instagram, where I sometimes post some extra stuff.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Blue and Pink Watercolour

Just a quick post today to show everyone my nails from the weekend. I went to a party and the dress I wore had two stand out colours, which were neon pink and a cobalt/royal blue. I struggled to stick to a plan because I had so many ideas. I was originally going to do a neon pink base, use striping tape and top it with a royal blue, but I decided I didn't have the patience for the tape so I went with the acetone watercolour design instead.

I used Daiquiri - Savvy by DB and Royal - Revlon with a base of MBSW - O.P.I

Follow me on instagram here.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Blue Leopard Print

I have to admit, after this mani, leopard print is growing on me. But only for nails, and in cute colours that are opposite to the generic leopard print. It's just a simple, fun design and with a coloured background and black and white print, it can pretty much go with anything. I never thought I'd like this design. Guess it just goes to show that you've got to try it out to really judge it.

The blue base is Let's Get Lost - Essence. When I first bought this polish, I used it on my toes and for some silly reason I didn't use Essence's 24/7 Base, which is amazing at preventing staining. I'm on my second bottle in only a few months. So because I didn't use it, it stained my toenails like crazy, and even the skin around them. I had to use a bi-carb soda (baking soda) paste to remove the stains. This time around, I used the base I should have and I'm hoping it won't stain when I take it off later. Otherwise this polish is just ruined for me. 

Anyway, the black and white are my go-to black and white's which I've repeated enough in previous posts. I topped with Seche Vite and I'm sad to say that I think it might need thinning soon. It's becoming a bit too thick for my liking. Does anyone know any good polish thinners?

That's it for today! There should be some more posts up this week. Happy Monday everyone!

Follow me on instagram here.

Liebster Award (or half of it at least)

So I have been nominated by the lovely Chan from Indian Ocean Polish (btw, thank you so much for your kind words, means a lot! And I'm so sorry this took forever) for the Liebster Award, which I understand is a way for new bloggers to be discovered and to discover other relatively new blogs. Sort of like chain mail.

When you are nominated you are meant to:
1. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
2. Answer 11 questions given by the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 11 more bloggers with less than 200 followers
4. And then write them 11 questions to answer.

To start off, here are 11 random facts about myself:

  1. I'm naturally blonde, but I currently have brown hair (I used to have white blonde hair in high school a few years ago)
  2. I love to read
  3. I just started working in a medical centre
  4. I've suffered from migraines since high school and I hate them so much
  5. I have a phobia of ears, it's really unusual but I hate everything about them, I don't like people touching mine or having to touch someone else's, I refuse to share headphones and I can barely look at them (I'm fine touching and looking at my own though)
  6. I'm a middle child
  7. Recently I discovered I suffer from kidney stones
  8. I've worn glasses since I was 3, I'm currently 21
  9. I don't hate needles like most other people, I'm so calm and completely unfazed when I have to have a blood test or get a local anaesthetic 
  10. I'm pretty sure I'm accident prone, I've injured both arms a few times, bruised my knee bone in three different places, twisted an ankle and I always have bruises
  11. I have the quote "From my rotting body, flowers shall grow" tattooed on my ribs and it means a lot to me

And here are my answers to Chanfie's questions!

1. What/who inspired you to blog?
I had been wanting to do it for a while but didn't have the motivation until I started doing a Nail Technology course and my best friend told me I should make a portfolio of my nail designs and she agreed a blog would be a great idea!

2. Keeping with the 11 theme of this award, what are your 11 favorite polishes? 

Oh this will be tough, but in no particular order: 
My Boyfriend Scales Walls - O.P.I
Feeling Blue - Models Own
Royal - Revlon 
Instyle Coral - Rimmel
Suzi Says Feng Shui - O.P.I 
Bamboo Shoot - Sally Hansen 
Cool Cat - Sugar Baby 
Azure Martini - Savvy by DB 
Mint Julep - Savvy by DB
Vanellope - Lilypad Lacquer (from the August What's In-die Box?) 
Splash and Dash - Savvy by DB
Most of them are blue so I guess it's obvious that it's my favourite colour.

3. What is your favourite type of nail art and how long have you been doing it?

I think it would have to be either splatter or cling wrap, I think splatter nail art was the first proper nail art I ever tried so it's stuck with me for about a year and a half. I've only been doing cling wrap nail art for a few months, but it always looks great.

4. Do you ever experiment with different nail shapes/lengths? Which is your favourite?

Right after I started blogging I decided to make my nails square and I loved it! They seemed to grow better, but they were also very prone to breaks, I've had squoval shaped nails forever and they're my go-to shape but I think square are my favourites. I like medium length nails too because nubs don't suit my fingers.

5. Do you have other hobbies other than painting your nails?

I read a fair bit and watch a lot of TV shows, but mostly I paint my nails because it's a better distraction from everything and they don't make me sad like books and TV shows can haha. I also watch a lot of YouTube. It started with MyDrunkKitchen, which led me to DailyGrace which led to YouDeserveADrink and now I can't get enough of those three girls and they all led me to other great channels and I just love YouTube so much haha.

6. What non nail related beauty product could you not live without?

Foundation and blush! I love a good foundation and blush combo.

7. How many photo's on average do you take of each mani?

What an interesting question! On a good, sunny day I probably only take about 4-8 and cull it down to just 3 or 4. But on a bad day I'll take up to at least 20 and hope 1 or 2 of them look good enough.

8. What is the biggest challenges you've faced with your blog?

Taking photos, for sure. I use a camera I'm not familiar with yet because it's my dad's and I don't know all the settings or whether I'm allowed to change them haha. Also because I live in Melbourne and everyone knows it's weather is unpredictable, so natural lighting is a bit unreliable. At the start, I struggled using blogger though, but I've gotten past that.

9. What technique that you have not yet tried yet would you like to master?

Hmm, I think that would be chevron. I've seen so many different techniques but I haven't yet attempted any of them because it makes me nervous haha. I also haven't come across chevron scissors, which I would love so I can make my own decals.

10. What's your go-to mani when you're pushed for time?

I like to go for a simple one colour mani most of the time! Maybe with a glitter accent if I'm in the mood. I try to leave enough time though if I know I'll be going somewhere that I want to wear a mani for.

11. What mani are you most proud of, and why?

I think that would be my galaxy nails from the 31 Day Challenge. I had attempted galaxy nails before with limited success, so when I achieved what I did I was so damn happy with them and honestly couldn't stop smiling when I looked at them, it felt like a big personal achievement. 

Here's the part where I'm supposed to pick 11 other bloggers to keep this going, but I have to admit I've struggled so much to find people who haven't done this before, and I didn't want to make them double up. But at the same time, I really wanted to publish this because it's been a draft for sooo long and I felt bad not having done it yet. 

Hopefully I can come back to this when I come across some people who haven't done it yet, in my searching I did discover some good blogs though, that's a plus. I'm so bad at these things, I'm sorry haha.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Dots on Dots

Just a simple mani today while I wait for my nails to grow. I'm still so sad I had to file them all down, but this looks kinda cute with the length anyway.

The green base is two coats of Wind Fall - Revlon (shown on it's own in the first picture), the bigger dots are Time Out - Sugar Baby and the smaller dots are Azure Martini - Savvy by DB. I feel like I've seen this mani with very similar colours elsewhere, so if I've copied someone without giving credit, I'm sorry. It's completely unintentional and I cannot remember where/if I did see it.

I'm still on the lookout for some affordable, good strengtheners. But everything is so expensive in Australia and if it's cheap online, there's still some hefty shipping costs. However, after doing this mani I feel like I'm back in the swing of things, and I can deal with short nails for now. I know they'll grow eventually.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Quick Apology

I realise I've been slack at posting lately, but the other day I broke a nail and I feel so uninspired when I have round, short nails. I am contemplating attempting some nail art on my right hand, or my cinderella hand as it's known in the nail world, because the nails are a nice length and shape.

If I do that, it'll be tomorrow. I had planned to do some designs this week, but after my nail broke I lost all my enthusiasm and when I filed all my left hand nails down to match it, I was really disappointed. In the mean time though I'm on the hunt for affordable nail strengtheners that actually work, so if anybody has any suggestions on where I can find some in Australia, that'd really help.

Thanks for sticking around, I'll be posting normally again soon.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Watermarble and Dots

I love this mani! I had the urge to do some watermarbling, but I didn't want to spend a long time doing it, so I chose to have it as an accent nail and use the same colours for dots over a white base. This photo was taken about a day or so after I did it, so there's some obvious wear happening on the tips and I realised I hadn't moisturised until after I'd packed up my little camera set-up so apologise for the damage and dry cuticles. 

I used W7's White polish, the green is Misty Jade - Rimmel and the blue is Suzi Says Feng Shui - O.P.I.

I think I've realised that I love doing designs with a white base. I've done so many lately that I think I need to stay away from the white polish for a while. If I can.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Pink Gradient

For some reason, all I want to do lately is gradients. It might be because I have no other inspiration or just the fact that I've always loved gradients, but I just want to do as many gradients in as many colours as possible!

Today I painted three coats of My Boyfriend Scales Walls - O.P.I and then loaded up my sponge with Kiss on the Chic - O.P.I (barely noticeable but I didn't want it to be stark white) and Bubblegum Pink - Sally Hansen. I did a few coats on each nail to make it a bit more smooth and opaque.

It's a bit of a girly mani for me to be wearing. I'm not one to wear pink nail polish a lot or at all really. But I think this is pretty cute and simple.

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

NOTD: Bamboo Shoot - Sally Hansen

Amongst nail art, I thought it might be good to occasionally do a nail of the day post to showcase some colours I wear by themselves or ones that I rarely use for nail art. I also might do it for new polish I buy, because I generally put at least one on as soon I get it. And that's what this is today!

I recently bought Bamboo Shoot because I needed a good nude colour and I love it. The polish did take three coats till it was opaque and it felt a bit thick because of that, but it applied nicely and I thought it'd take more than three coats anyway, so I was surprised when it didn't. I wore this for a few days before it chipped because I knocked my finger otherwise I would have kept it longer. 

I will hopefully have some nail art to show you very soon!

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Criss Cross Gradients

I'm back! I did this mani yesterday but it didn't photograph well, so I waited till today to take better pictures of it. I think this looks like a cute summer design, it's very bright!

I used striping tape for this, which took me forever to do so I don't think I'll be rushing to recreate this again, but it might be nice as an accent nail, I wouldn't mind doing that. I started with a base of My Boyfriend Scales Walls - O.P.I (three coats), then I waited a while for it to dry so the tape didn't pull it up. I used six bits of tape for each nail and then I painted Frangipani - Ulta3, Orange Fizz - Savvy by DB, and Daiquiri - Savvy by DB onto the bottom of a triangle make up sponge and then dabbed it all over my nail, blending it as I went. I did two coats on the gradient to get it mostly opaque. I did a simple gradient on my accent nail using the same method, just without the tape.

I love these nails so much and I'm pretty disappointed that I'll have to take them off before I go to work but I have been trying to think of work appropriate nails, so maybe that will be a post during the week.

I still haven't figured out how often I'll be posting but I think I'm still aiming for at least two posts between Thursday and Monday, so we'll see.

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

September Favourites

As you may have noticed, I haven't posted the last day of the challenge. Yesterday I started a new job after being unemployed since January and I planned to do my nails after I finished, but I underestimated how exhausted I'd be after learning so much in one go so I just didn't have the energy to do my nails and I wasn't even sure which nails I wanted to honour. I think that means I failed the challenge, but I completed every day but one so it doesn't feel like too much of a fail. Eventually I'll complete the prompt, but for now I want to share my favourites designs for the month.

I posted this onto my instagram yesterday but I also wanted to share it here to sort of round up the challenge and apologise for not doing the last day. These were my all time favourites of the challenge; they were the ones I was most happy with. And seeing the watercolour nails makes me miss my square nails so much, so I think I'll definitely be growing them out again.

So far, I'm not sure which days I'll be posting, over the next few weeks my work days will change a bit, but I'm hoping to at least post once or twice from Thursday to Sunday until I figure things out. And at the end of each month I might do posts like this, with some of my other favourites for the month, such as what new polish I've bought or what nail care I've been using. Maybe I'll even do some haul posts (which might include other beauty products). 

But for now I'm going to have a few days break until the weekend. I really enjoyed doing the challenge and I hope everyone loved seeing what I came up with!

Monday, September 30, 2013

31 Day Challenge: Day 30 - Inspired by a Tutorial

Only one more day! Today I took inspiration from MissJenFabulous again and recreated one of her designs she recently did. I used Mint Julep - Savvy by DB and SeƱorita Rose-alita - O.P.I. 

There isn't much else to say today except that the photo isn't the best because there was no sun at all today so I had to improvise with the lighting. I think it's about time I made a lightbox.

I don't particularly hate or love this mani but that might be because I'm just a little sick of looking at my own nails haha.  

Sunday, September 29, 2013

31 Day Challenge: Day 29 - Inspired by the Supernatural

On to today's actual post! I had this idea in my head that I'd do something vampire related, like vampire teeth with blood or something but then I couldn't draw the teeth the way I wanted so I gave up on that and came up with the idea to do a moon. It's not as supernatural as I wanted it to be, considering the moon is a real thing, but everyone always comments on weird things happening on a full moon, so I thought that it was sort of relevant for today.

My base is two coats of Twilight Rays - Maybelline and I mixed My Boyfriend Scales Walls - O.P.I and Feeling Grey - Models Own to get the moon colour, because I wanted something slightly grey but still quite white. Twilight Rays has gold flecks throughout it so it gives the effect that it's the night sky, which I hadn't planned but it makes sense.

Only two more days and then I can give my nails a few days rest and get back into a good nail care routine before starting some new things!

31 Day Challenge: Day 28 - Inspired by a Flag

Firstly, please excuse my absence this weekend, I was house sitting for my sister and was a bit busy so I didn't have time to do my nails properly. Secondly, the two prompts I'm posting tonight are very basic nails because I quickly did them today and I had no inspiration whatsoever.

Anyway, my flag nails are based on the Australian flag, using Royal - Revlon as my base colour. Royal is such a nice blue, I've never properly worn it on my nails before but I loved it, I only did two coats, but three coats might have been better if I were to wear it for a few days. I was going to do the union jack on my thumb nail, but I honestly couldn't be bothered going to that effort. I most likely would have stuffed it up anyway and would have been even lazier repainting it. So I just stuck to doing an interpretation of the Southern Cross from the flag, I did dots instead of actual stars, but you get the picture.

I've already come up with the idea to do some version of the flag for Australia Day in January as a sort of redo of today. Sorry about the less than average nails and lack of posting!

Friday, September 27, 2013

31 Day Challenge: Day 27 - Inspired by Artwork

I wasn't too sure what I would do today but then I came across Jackson Pollock artwork and it seemed so obvious that I wondered why I hadn't thought of it before. I based these splatter nails on a particular piece, it's not exact of course but it's similar colours. I wanted to stay away from bright nails and even though these do have orange and yellow in them, the grey and black pulls it all together to lessen the pops of colour a bit. I wondered if I had overdone them a bit, because I kept going back and redoing some of the colours to make them all even-ish. But I don't think you can really over do nails inspired by Jackson Pollock artwork, because his work is so full of colours and layers.

I used colours I've mentioned before, but I list them anyway:
White: My Boyfriend Scales Walls - O.P.I
Black: Blackmail - Australis
Grey: Moody Grey - Models Own
Yellow: Frangipani - Ulta3 
Orange: Sun Kissed - Sally Hansen

(Ahh that hand pose is so awkward but I can't get my thumb in any other position that shows it off.)

This is the particular piece that I based my design on. I do like these nails, I think I like the thumb nail the best because the colours aren't so big on it, compared to the middle fingernail anyway.

Not sure what's coming the next few days, because I only have one of them planned but who knows what I might come up with. Have a lovely weekend, I'll be back tomorrow.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

31 Day Challenge: Day 26 - Inspired by a Pattern

We're almost there! It's the home stretch now and I can feel that it's almost over because I'm becoming very apathetic about the challenge haha. But I'm still enjoying the finished product and I know it's worth it in the end because I've definitely expanded my skills this past month.

Today's prompt was inspired by a pattern, I went op-shopping with my best friend a few weeks ago and I picked up a big knitted jumper that has a sort of criss-cross pattern and when I saw this prompt I had the idea to recreate it. I didn't have the exact same colours, but I had similar colours. It's not exactly a fishtail braid pattern, but that's what I did on my nails! I went by this tutorial by MissJenFabulous.

I used Classy - Revlon as the base and the cream-ish colour, Hot Spring - Ulta3 is the dark pink and the blue is Cool Cat - Sugar Baby.

That's it for today! No clue what I'll be doing tomorrow, so that could be interesting.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

31 Day Challenge: Day 25 - Inspired by Fashion

I had no clue what I would do today, so last night I googled some things relating to fashion, I wanted to recreate something new and fresh and from an Australian brand which made me think to Google the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. I then came across a relatively new Australian brand (it's only about four years old) called We Are Handsome. I looked at their website and they make amazing clothes! They're waaaay too expensive for me but maybe one day I'll be able to purchase something because I would really like to haha.

Anyway, these are my nails and the swimsuit design I was inspired by.

And just as an extra, here's a super close up shot:

I used Pillar Box Red - W7 (which is more pink on these nails because I did very thin coats) and UFO - Savvy by DB. These colours look amazing together in my opinion and I love this mani because it's simple and subtle yet looks really striking as well. I thought I would struggle a lot more with today's prompt but I'm glad I found this brand!